Thursday, April 22, 2010

in an effort to redeem myself

thanks for letting me vent.  i honestly wasn't really that irritable... it's just that somedays, that's all there is to say.  i'm prone to "stuff" so letting it all out every once in a while is rather therapeutic.

the good news is that those days come and go... but they go!  praise God that every day is new.  with that, i'll report the following:
- my contacts and eyes are back to normal.
- the refrigerator is no longer suffering from overcrowding, and i'm making pizza for dinner tonight.  and there was much rejoicing.
- tucker's quiet times have improved since that spanking.  amazing how that works, huh?
- despite my attitude towards the haircut, it did exactly what a good haircut is supposed to do.
- i still love The West Wing.  oh, and we are getting into season 4 of Lost.  good times.  but i am also trying to get back into Farmer Boy for chloe's sake.  she's wondering why my bookmark isn't moving.
- although my sunflower seeds are still not sprouting, my spinach seeds are!  a little redemption in the dirt...


  1. You should check out Mel's dirt mix. It seems to foster great growth!!! 1 part peat moss, 1 part vermiculite, and 1 part varied compost (or homemade compost).

  2. nice! The "and there was rejoicing" made me laugh.
