Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Tuesday's Tip

We love to eat salad around here.  Even the kids like it (well, most of them...).  In an attempt to keep things simple, however, I am in favor of making one big salad that we can serve throughout the week.  It beats incessant cleaning and chopping and slicing every night at dinner.

Here are a few tricks to keep that salad fresh all week long.  

1) Always store your salad in a ceramic bowl (not plastic!!).  I am sure there is a good reason for why this works, but I don't know it...   It keeps my salad fresh, so I do it.  

2) Place a slice of bread on top of the salad.  This one I understand!  The bread draws the moisture from the salad and keeps your lettuce and other veggies from getting soggy.  (Incidentally, this also works when storing cookies.  Storing them in an airtight container with a piece of bread will keep them soft).  No need to replace the bread - I can often use the same piece for up to two weeks.

3) Avoid adding high moisture veggies until you are ready to serve.  For example, I never keep chopped tomatoes in my salad.  Cucumbers also can create a big soggy mess.  If you cut the seeds out of them, they will last much longer in a week's worth of salad.

When you are ready to store your salad, cover it with plastic wrap and keep it in the fridge.

You will eat more salad if it is always ready and on-hand :)

1 comment:

  1. I hear ya. I often throw a papertowel on top of my salad before covering it, but bread would probably work better.
