Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Tuesday's Tip

today's tip is actually a follow-up to a tip from a few weeks ago...

my friend amanda suggested i try making pb&j sandwiches ahead of time and freezing them for greater school-lunch-making efficiency.  i loved the idea.  in fact, i loved it so much, i thought i'd try it with other types of sandwiches.  it worked amazingly well!

here are a bunch of lunch meat / cheese sandwiches (yes, i sometimes use the little sandwich rolls because it breaks the monotony of the same ol' bread but is small enough for my not-quite-famished kids to handle).

once made, the sandwiches go right back in the bread bag and are kept in the freezer.  i also made a bag of pb& honey and pb&jelly.  

my kids report that their sandwiches have tasted fine and are never frozen or soggy.  in fact, when chloe saw me making lunches the other day, she was surprised to see me putting a frozen sandwich in her lunch box.  she was even more surprised when i told her i had been doing that for over a week.  

lunch time has never been so easy!  give it a try...


  1. amazing. Remind me of this in two years, please!

  2. My mom used to do this when she made her lunches. My mom rarely made my lunches. My dad would just wake up early and make mine until I made my own towards the end of high school. Good tip! Now, is there a tip on how to make room in my freezer?

  3. So glad to hear it works well for all types!

  4. I've been making and freezing the PB&Js since reading your tip, and it's worked wonderfully. And now that I know it will work with other kinds of sandwiches, my kids can have a little more variety. Thanks so much for these tips!
