Thursday, June 11, 2009

what a difference a year makes

chloe finished kindergarten and now has a whole year of school under her belt.  i'm proud of how she's grown over the last 9 months - in so many different ways.  although when she started last fall, i was concerned that she often seemed self-conscious and overly eager to please, her teacher identified her as a confident leader in the class by her end of the year conference.  

i thought these two pictures summed it up perfectly.

first day of school... eyeing up the new girl

end of the year class picnic... new girl turned bff


  1. How totally precious!

    I loved watching Jack this year - seeing him grow in so many areas in his first year of preschool. I LOVE the pictures - wow, what a difference!

  2. What a change! Another year of school over! Our children are growing so fast.

  3. I don't even want to think about this yet.

  4. ditto... i can't even imagine having my kids in school yet! but how awesome that God works in such little but important lives!

  5. Very cute pictures! Kara finished up her Kindergarten year too. I just put together a slideshow and I can't believe how much older she looks in just 9 months!

  6. love that first picture. so cool seeing them grow up and kinda sad and scary!
