Wednesday, July 8, 2009

how my garden grows...

in case you were interested, all that hard work a month or so back was not in vain!

here we have a small selection of tomatoes, lettuce, peppers, squash, and zucchini. so far i have harvested one zucchini, but the rest of the vegetables are looking good. it may not seem like much, but after the work that went into getting it all ready... it definitely makes me happy!


  1. and I am thankful that I got to partake of that first zucchini. :)

  2. Hurray for summer gardens. I have 2 tomatoes and basil, and I just counted 20 tomoatoes growing yesterday! Can't wait to take my first bite. Isn't it rewarding?!

  3. looks great! We have two Zucchini plants and we've gotten about three off so far. We have four more that are ready to pick today! I love home grown vegetables.

  4. I got to eat one of the zucchini... right?

  5. awww, so awesome. didn't plant anything this year because our deck is torn off and the yard's a mess because of the new deck building process; I miss the homegrown veggies; next year. :)
